Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tony off to school

Monday is Dad's day off. but he doesn't get to sleep in because Tony has to go to school.  Dad'll miss Tony during the day because Sunday evening, Tony did many an interesting thing:
  • Tony kept saying "trick or treat" because he wanted to watch a Halloween DVD he had.  Dad wasn't aware that of the Halloween DVD so he found Tony's reference bizarre.
  • Tony watching a  music video -- the Jam's "Going Underground" -- brought out his toy guitar, so he could strum and strut like Paul Weller.
  • Tony jumped on his Dad's back and wrap his arms around Dad's neck, so they could play piggyback.
  • Tony figured out how to use a spinning top toy.  The piece that can spin comes with a release mechanism.  After Dad showed Tony how to connect the top and mechanism, to wind the pairing, and  to then release the top,  Tony was able to do it himself.
  • Tony kept trying to put his pail of toys in an compartment under the water machine.
  • Tony was able to go to the fridge and help himself to his favorite beverages.

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